B. Ramachandra Rao takes charge of NTPC Korba as Head of Project

B. Ramachandra Rao, Chief General Manager, NTPC Korba has taken charge of Korba Super Thermal Power Station as Head of Project with effect from 01 February 2023.
He joined NTPC in 1984 and has more than 38 years of experience with NTPC. Shri Rao has previously worked in other NTPC Units and offices like Ramagundam, Balco-CPP, Western Region-I Headquarters (Mumbai) and Kudgi.
A seasoned professional in his field, Shri B.R. Rao obtained his Licentiate in Electrical Engineering from Board of Technical Education after which he obtained AMIE in Electrical Engineering from the Institution of Engineers, India. He also holds a PGD in finance.
He has rich and varied experience in the areas of Commissioning, Operations, Operating Services, Engineering, Electrical Erection, Project Co-ordination, Project Construction etc.