BALCO launches eco-friendly 2023 calendar, sets an example in sustainable practices

Balconagar, Korba;January 14th, 2023: Bharat Aluminium Company Limited (BALCO), India’s iconic aluminium producer, has launched an eco-friendly calendarfor the year 2023, entirely made ofrecycled paper and decomposable fabric with zero plastic.The recycled paper has seeds embedded in it which, when planted in soil and watered, will grow into flowering plants like marigold and many wildflowers.

Themed on ‘transforming for a sustainable future’, the calendar was designed with the aim to inspire action by viewers when it comes to individual responsibility towards environmental sustainability. To source designs for the calendar, BALCO organized a contest where employees, business partners and family members were invited to submit paintings and sketches on the theme. Out of these, 12 artworks were selected to be featured on every page of the calendar with a short description ofthe messagesthey carry. The calendar is a visual manifestation of how the company strives to inculcate sustainability-oriented actions,behavior and operations in every walk of life.

Unveiling the calendar for public,Mr. Abhijit Pati, CEO and Director, BALCO, said, “BALCO aims to be at the forefront of industry-leading sustainable business practices, as a steward for the industry. Our commitment to safeguarding the future of coming generations is embedded in our vision, corporate objectives, production processes and the way we conduct our business. This journey is seeing us transition to clean technologies, increase quantum of renewables in our energy mix,reduce our carbon footprint, and embed the principles of sustainability in the way we conduct our business. As we work on the bigger agendas, we are equally conscious of the snowballing effect of unsustainable everyday actions. Our eco-friendly calendarstands testimony tothis sensitivity which is so deeply ingrained in our organizational culture.”

In line with Vedanta’s aim to become an Environment, Social & Governance (ESG) leader in the natural resources sector and to reduce carbon emissions to zero by 2050 or sooner, BALCO is working on 9 themes for ESG excellence, namely, Biodiversity, Carbon & Energy Efficiency, Environment Management, Communities & Social Performance, People, Health & Safety, Supply Chain, Renewable Energy and Water Management. Together, these form the pillars that will drive ‘green’ growth for the company in the days to come. Bharat Aluminium Company Limited (BALCO) is India’s iconic aluminium producer. It is owned 49% by the Government of India and 51% by Vedanta Limited. BALCO is part of Vedanta’s Aluminium Business, a division of Vedanta Limited, which is India’s largest manufacturer of aluminium. BALCO operates a 0.57 million tonne per annum aluminium smelter in Korba, Chhattisgarh. It is also a leader in value-added aluminium products that find critical applications in core industries. With its world-class smelter and power plants, the company fulfills its mission of spurring emerging applications of aluminium as the ‘Metal of the Future’ for a greener tomorrow.

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